Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to Andrea in Big Lights… who has been invited to participate in a 52 week challenge to blog once per week. The purpose is simply to force myself to do something I enjoy on a weekly basis in a way that could be measured easily. Further… I used to hold me publicly accountable for this goal. allows you to create any pledge of your choice and if I do not complete 52 works of writing, in which I aiming for a blog format, then I will have to cough up $75.00 USD to one of the following humanitarian agencies: ActionAid, PDSA - for pets in need of vets, Torture Care, The World Land Trust, SOS Children's Village in Keila, Estonia – so if I didn’t meet this goal at least it wasn’t a complete bust and thank you to the person who recommended this site.

Entering into a new year of life is the onset of continuing goals and challenges to meet before being graced with another year on this planet… This wouldn’t have to be considered a resolution—just life enhancement. We’ll see if I can make it to blogging at least two times per week in the year 2012, that is-- if the Mayan calendar is incorrect and I will be able to do so.

We shall see.

Wish me luck!

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