Happy Valentines Day!!! :)
Love is in the air as spring is on the horizon. Depending on your relationship status, great friends or love of self you may have plans for this February 14th.
In years past, I used to proclaim that Valentine's day was just another hallmark holiday meant to satisfy capitalist America. I'm not so oppositional these days or seemingly bitter because I have lots of love in my life and even moreso a firm appreciation of those I love. In fact I am at peace with romantic love, love of the self, love of friends and family. Its a big statement considering there was a time, I thought I was broken or unable to feel it... I've lightened up a bit in my years and thankfully my family no longer refers to me as "hard hearted Hanna." I was ruthless and not boastfully so. Love was professed and I just couldn't reciprocate. In fact, one day a former boyfriend from college said those three magical words and I had planned to call it quits on that very day.
I felt really bad and I can assure there was no mal-intent - he was sweet as pie... it just wasn't working out. He's happily married now and a Neurologist, and I have no regrets because what looks good on paper isn't particularly the best thing for long term commitment.
If you've noticed in this blog-spot, I rarely mention love because, well--- I was in a relationship and having a public view can be a little tricky and if it's one thing that was learned from an early age (11 to be exact), it's that everyone has an opinion on the one you date. The reality is that no-one is able to understand the connection between you and another.
Unless an opinion is solicited, there should be no comment--so shut it otherwise be prepared to swallow that advice.
Sometimes friends are there to set the record straight
and other times the information provided is the most awful, hypocritical and even damaging advice, so beware. All in all, you should still consider how your significant has been portrayed in the light of the important people of your life----or really, who you're asking. (Do they have their wits about them, Are they happy?) Think about whether you represent your love to the best of your ability or whether you believe that a fair assessment could be conducted based on the information provided. If accepting bids on people's thoughts... take it with a grain of salt---use your brain, use your heart and always trust your gut!
Love for another is absolutely beautiful, special and amazing. Better than that is loving yourself... I can agree with the following quote:
"It is better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all."
Of course, there are times when love sucks---and you just want to scratch out the eyeballs of someone just for the sake of having to deal with the enormous amount of ehem, shall we say GROWTH!? But all in all, if its right... and I don't mean socially acceptable, I mean if its right for you-- cherish it and be willing to go to war for it because wouldn't you want your partner to do the same?

If you're planning on having a hot and steamy date night, keeping it low key with some wine and chinese food or just snuggling next to someone you care about, even your pillow while watching your favorite romantic comedy...enjoy your day! Valentine's day doesn't have to be overrated... or a bummer...or just another capitalist holiday--it can be the one day you OUTWARDLY proclaim your emotion to the WORLD about the ones you love...including yourself while all the rest of the days keeping it central amongst each other, where it should be.
Cheers to love.