I understand that there are significant trials and tribulations faced when dealing with government programs--- but there are food pantries, churches and other places to go and be fed. Maybe if he said-- can I please have some change so I can pay my rent--- I'm in danger of being evicted-- but to stand there daily and ask for money to eat--- even articulately and sometimes cop an attitude when nobody listens says... I know there are other alternatives but it's easier to just ask you-- so I will stand here and wait patiently till you give it to me. If I gave him $.70 a day he'd have $255 at the end of the year. That's a lot of money. I don't aim to seem as though I don't have a heart or care, but I just don't beleive him and further those commuting within the underground metro can attest that there will be at least two people asking for money on the way to destination x. How is anyone to differentiate between who to donate to versus keep enough change in pocket to feed ms. Piggy bank later in the day.
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