What I don't understand is that I really fought for you to be here. Fought for YOU--as any friend should do. I didn't need to, and I didn't need you, I sought to help. The return, well, not so great. I'm stuck with your tab and overdraft fees. Although, I'm savvy enough to make it work---the point is-you left me dangling in the sunlight.
As I recall, one day, you beefed over $20. Caveat you and this person no longer speak. EEK... Am I a sap?.... a pushover?
I've reflected long and hard---since I have a tendency to point the finger in all the wrong directions polar opposite to me...but this time?!! Nah, I'm good. I checked myself, I thought of all possibilities that could come true... my biggest downfall was trusting you. It was purely on the merit of our friendship, I was lenient. NEVER AGAIN....NEVER AGAIN.... Rest assured, right hand on the bible, I can never be that foolish again.
It's funny, how time and time again... it was my fault you didn't get the job you wanted. It was my fault, that I refused to put your resume through without a cover letter?? Or all the the other supporting documentation?
I listen to you... and you always find someone else to place the blame. You moved here, on your own merit... hoping, that you would have a shot at a different life... you basically had your friend carry you, and then when she fended for herself...you were left with your hands tied ---because YOU didn't do enough for you. Friends carry eachother, but as I am learning evermore, self is foundation. Selfish-is you-trust...they are not the same.
Nevertheless, as the big person my mother taught me to be, I'm proud of

you for taking the intitiative to be there for you. Unfortunately, that's not good enough for me. No matter which way you look at it, you left me flapping in the breeze. Everything you said about it, everything you promised you'd do, I'm sure leaving, was the best thing you
could do...you left a relationship lighter and two friendships down the drain. I tried not to be mad, I really did. I waited, patiently at that. Here we are, three weeks down the line. You're nowhere to be found. I had a feeling you weren't going to be there---and I was right. "What goes around, comes around..." and although I wish you the best, CUIDATE y espero en, you will lay in the bed you made.
Here are your bags, you checked at the door... I dropped them off at baggage claim-bag lady. Rest assured, you know where to find me, remember...? Hanging in the breeze... Only this time... don't.