As I recall, one day, you beefed over $20. Caveat you and this person no longer speak. EEK... Am I a sap?.... a pushover?
I've reflected long and hard---since I have a tendency to point the finger in all the wrong directions polar opposite to me...but this time?!! Nah, I'm good. I checked myself, I thought of all possibilities that could come true... my biggest downfall was trusting you. It was purely on the merit of our friendship, I was lenient. NEVER AGAIN....NEVER AGAIN.... Rest assured, right hand on the bible, I can never be that foolish again.
It's funny, how time and time again... it was my fault you didn't get the job you wanted. It was my fault, that I refused to put your resume through without a cover letter?? Or all the the other supporting documentation?
I listen to you... and you always find someone else to place the blame. You moved here, on your own merit... hoping, that you would have a shot at a different life... you basically had your friend carry you, and then when she fended for were left with your hands tied ---because YOU didn't do enough for you. Friends carry eachother, but as I am learning evermore, self is foundation. Selfish-is you-trust...they are not the same.
Nevertheless, as the big person my mother taught me to be, I'm proud of
Here are your bags, you checked at the door... I dropped them off at baggage claim-bag lady. Rest assured, you know where to find me, remember...? Hanging in the breeze... Only this time... don't.
arghhh am I thinking what you think Im thinking? Is this about Miss I wont open doors for other people because people dont open them for me?
Just to let you know - the key has been in the mail - has it arrived yet? Annndd did Olivia pay you the fees for last month? I owe you two dollars....
a drink in the future?
Hows everything??
Yes, it is...
no key as yet :(
when'd you send it?
yes she did!
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