Well...what is a party girl?
The Wiktionary defines a party girl as...and I quote: "A woman, especially one who is young, who is known for her enthusiastic and frequent attendance of parties; a female party animal; a prostitute." (en.wiktionary.org/wiki/party_girl) Based on this alone, I'd say that party girl is not something I care to associate with. Another dictionary states a party girl to be: "an attractive young woman hired to attend parties and entertain men." (wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn)
Prior to the beginning of this text, I never thought the definition would be so outlandish given the frequency at which this label is used. I suppose it is the more polite way of telling your wife that your party will include a bunch of "party girl
s," rather than a bunch of... hookers!?? Seriously, how did this term come about and why do people choose to throw it around so easily? Perhaps, lack of knowledge for what it means to be labeled as a party girl.

Outside of the given definitions, the first thing that runs through my mind when I hear party girl is... a woman not to be taken seriously. Is that what you think of me? It was actually a bit degrading to be referred to as such and it struck a nerve. (Clearly as I'm writing this...) Where did that come from and why?...Earlier this evening, after working late... I went out to dinner with two of my girlfriends to help one of them pass the time before having to meet with her son to go home. A counterpart shared with me his chain of events for the evening
and his productivity, proud of course at his accomplishments and rightfully, so. Afterall, he went shopping, jogging, read a book, cooked and ate dinner while watching a tv show (multi-tasking at it's best...) and all before the ripe hour of 9:30PM. Unfortunately as I did not share the same chain of events---and after sending a few smiley faced text messages... it was assumed that I was drunk and subsequently was referred to as a party girl. Why the reference? I realize this may be a sensitive reaction to this exchange of words, but if I know this person well enough, it was meant to be a critical stab at my ego. I've never been called a party girl at least not to my knowledge, nor would it ever be appropriate as I do not attend social gatherings to entertain a man and certainly not on a Monday night. I spend most of my Friday nights in my apartment and my Saturday's at mom and dad's house. Please don't label me as such darling, you may not agree with Monday night dinners with friends, but rest assured I'm no party girl.
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