Monday, February 19, 2007

Maybe I'll become a nun...

Maybe I will become a Nun.... I say this with no blasphemous intent. I've thought about it... To me it seems as if life would be that much simpler, I could self soothe in prayer, and firmly grasp the understanding of just how precious life is. A daily servant to everyone except myself- my lifes efforts would be that much more fruitful, powerful and dedicated. I could spend my time strategizing about the next campaign in the fight for human right. I can nurture the sick, the hungry and the weary. Maybe I will become a Nun... My life would be humble instead of waisting money on the latest fashion trend, or detailing my car... Unintentionally getting caught up in the materialistic means of Western society and culture. My head would be less foggy in regard to the dating scene, because I would be forever committed to the most high. I could relinquish myself from all of my selfish tendencies...because my life is meant to serve. Well.. according to the word of God, we are all servants. I wonder how many people actually stand up and believe this-regardless of attending a Sunday service. The great heights of Spirituality would serve me as a new daily adventure. My good daily deeds would serve a much greater purpose instead of picking up a child's hat and returning it to the parent when dropped in the middle of the street, as the parent pulls the screaming child away from its loss unkowingly...or simply giving up my seat to a frail woman that is scared to enter into the next train car on the dangerous Long Island Rail Road. (Watch the Gap...Please Watch the Gap.) It just seems that my path would be so clearly defined. I have no doubt in my strength to continue on the current path to the unknown-but instead of attaining personal goals of success in the working world, and designating a small name for myself in some kind of history- I could effortlessly welcome everyone under my wing to heal and forgive- in contrast to internalizing all actions as personal attacks against me. Uggh.. How could I be so self-inflicted sometimes. I am thankful for the life that I am so fortunate to live...but what does it mean? Is it in vain? I am pretty sure that all of us at some point want to be free of the mold that has forced us to conform to the working world.. that leads to the ambition of self betterment but is sold as the growth of the world, when in reality, the sloth like pace of accomplishments usually benefits someone's bank account. Hmmm.. money. I am not blind to the faults of the church. Perhaps the best bet would be to serve as a Nun to an undefined my purpose is to ultimately rebel against conformity while serving the greater good peacefully. I guess until I can make the choice to give my life to serve unconditionally I will follow the path of Andreaism that has been thought and well planned by the Angels in heaven above. But maybe... just maybe... I will become a Nun.

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