Ok , so wouldn't the purpose of starting a blog, actually be to blog? I've got s

oooo much to talk about-but soooo little time, I've actually decided to put my money where my mouth is and invest in a data plan for those boring moments commuting on the Long Island Rail Road....since I currently have a blackberry pearl (with no data plan.) With this said, for getting this is actually the 21st century, I was thinking of buying a tiny little device that was like a laptop only smaller and less expensive and for the life of me I could not come up with a solution (I swear I really had this talk with myself in the world of Angie) And then it struck me... OMG- A CELL PHONE...JUST like the one I have... since I haven't been a techy by any sort with mobile communications-this was not my first guess. Big duh.
NOW -I'm concerned that my mental vomit will be ilegable due to the T9 wording/keyboard...For example, if I attempt to type g i v e, it first picks HIV then I get give with the added e-hmm.. not quite the mistake I want to make whilst blogging or even texting for that matter-Let's poll! What kind of phone do
you think I should get.... I really like the new Google G-1 Phone offered through t-mobile-but I have at&t and I'm quite content with this carrier.

Now let's see if I can pull myself away from the addictive game of brickbreaker :)
What about this phone?
Nokia e71
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